====== Using the HAL with comedi or flink ====== In the EEROS library you will find a directory with examples. For this example see [[https://github.com/eeros-project/eeros-framework/blob/master/examples/hal/HalTest2.cpp|HalTest2.cpp]]. The system uses real hardware inputs and output. The hardware could be [[eeros_architecture:hal:hardware_libraries#comedi|]] or [[eeros_architecture:hal:hardware_libraries#flink|]]. You also need to install the necessary wrapper library, see [[getting_started:install_wrapper|]]. Open a shell in the build directory of your EEROS library and run $ ./halTest2 -c HalTest2ConfigComedi.json // for comedi $ ./halTest2 -c HalTest2ConfigFlink.json // for flink This examples creates a small control system with a couple of peripheral input and output blocks. The main sequence alters the values on digital and analog outputs periodically. It also logs the digital and analog inputs.