====== Writing EEROS Applications for the Host ======
Back to [[getting_started:compile_eeros_host|]].
You will use C++ to develop your EEROS applications. For this you need at least some knowledge of the basic language features. A good starting point might be [[https://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/]]. Minimal help can also be found under [[tools:cplusplus|]].
What do you want to do next?
* [[getting_started:write_app:use_on_host#Say Hello with EEROS|]]
* [[getting_started:write_app:use_on_host#Use Existing Project|]]
===== Say Hello with EEROS =====
- Create a project directory within your EEROS project directory and change into it with
$ mkdir hello
$ cd hello
- Create a text file "main.cpp" and copy the following code into it
int main() {
using namespace eeros::logger;
Logger log = Logger::getLogger();
log.info() << "Hello, EEROS";
return 0;
- Create a text file "CMakeLists.txt" and copy the following text into it:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
find_package(EEROS REQUIRED)
add_executable(helloworld main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(helloworld PRIVATE EEROS::eeros)
- Create a build directory for your new project and change into it with
$ mkdir build-x86
$ cd build-x86
- Build the project with
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../install-x86 ../../hello
$ make
- Make changes to "main.cpp", save them and rebuild with
$ make
In order to be able to write your own EEROS programs, you could use any text editor. However, we recommend to use an integrated development environment, see [[getting_started:kdevelop|]].
Continue with [[getting_started:deploy:deploy_host|]].
===== Use Existing Project =====
As an example we use the [[getting_started:tutorials:oneaxis|]] demo program.
- Fetch the code of the application from within your EEROS project directory with
$ git clone https://github.com/eeros-project/simple-motor-control.git
$ cd simple-motor-control
- Create a build directory for your new project and change into it with
$ mkdir build-x86
$ cd build-x86
- Build the project with
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../install-x86 -DREQUIRED_EEROS_VERSION=1.3 ../../simple-motor-control
$ make
Continue with [[getting_started:deploy:deploy_host|]].