EEROS is released in the form of the source code via GitHub. All releases are found here.
The release workflow supports multiple active releases. Every active release has its own release branch. The actual release commit is tagged with the version number. EEROS is versioned according to the Semantic Versioning Specification. The first major version of EEROS for example, has the tag v1.0.0.
The releases which are not supported anymore will still be accessible over their tags. The branches were deleted since the versions shouldn't be used anymore.
The development is done with the workflow “develop with a fork”. For contribution, EEROS must be forked. The implementation is done in the fork. Afterwards, the changes are merged into the master branch of the main repository. The merge is initiated by the pull request feature of GitHub. This workflow allows an easy way to contribute for everyone. It also improves the code quality since the pull requests are reviewed before the merge.
Therefore, the current snapshot of EEROS with the latest features is accessible on the master branch.