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Use on a cb20 Board

The following is a step-by-step procedure to get started using EEROS on the cb20 Board. It describes how to set up the cross development tool chain. The application is developed on a Linux host machine and can then be deployed to the board.

As cross tool chain, the arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-4.9 is needed. It is recommended to use a Ubuntu 16.04 as host operating system, since this packet is available in the default repositories. If a Linux host is used in a virtual machine, a lightweight Ubuntu distribution is recommended. In case you are using a newer Ubuntu version, you have to add xenial to your sources list, see

Fetch the EEROS scripts on your cross development system with

$ git clone eeros-project
$ cd eeros-project

Edit the file as follows


Now you can run the clone script

$ ./

Change back into your project directory and start the compilation of EEROS, the hardware wrapper library, and the demo application with

$ ./

Finally, load the executable onto the target (see notes below if you are doing this on a brand new board) with

$ ./

The default password on the BeagleBone Blue Board is “temppwd”. Edit the deploy.txt file to define which files are downloaded.
Use ssh to get on the target and change into /opt/eeros/bin. Start the demo application with

$ sudo ./demo -c HwConfigBBBlue.json

Now, everything is ready. The development can be started in the BeagleBoneBlue/demoApp/ folder.


When the BeagleBone Blue Board is used the first time (never used with EEROS before or a brand new BeagleBone Blue / Image), some initial setup steps are needed. The script will copy the executable and libraries to /opt/eeros. Therefore, this folder must be present on the target or the copy fails. To create the folder, execute the following on the BeagleBone:

debian@beaglebone:$ sudo mkdir /opt/eeros
debian@beaglebone:$ sudo chown debian:debian /opt/eeros/

Also, some links must be created. The system must find the eeros libraries to dynamically load them. The following symbolic links are needed:

debian@beaglebone:$ cd /usr/lib/
debian@beaglebone:$ sudo ln -s /opt/eeros/lib/
debian@beaglebone:$ sudo ln -s
debian@beaglebone:$ sudo ln -s /opt/eeros/lib/
debian@beaglebone:$ sudo ln -s

Make sure the version information (….so. is not outdated! This can be checked by browsing the BeagleBoneBlue/install-armhf/lib/ folder.

getting_started/install_and_setup_development_environment/use_with_cb20.1570802026.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/11 15:53 by graf