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Use KDevelop with Existing Build Configuration

Using an integrated development environment for developing EEROS applications is highly recommended. You have all the features such as source code lookup, code completion or automatic compiling.

If you have previously built your application manually or with the aid of the EEROS scripts, you can import the configuration into KDevelop as follows:

  1. Import the project by choosing the CMakeLists.txt of your project, eg. workingDirectory/hello/CMakeLists.txt or workingDirectory/simple-motor-control/CMakeLists.txt.
  2. This will automatically open the project configuration panel.
  3. Choose the build directory of the previously built application as your build directory, e.g. workingDirectory/build-x86/hello or workingDirectory/build-x86/simple-motor-control
  4. Leave the entries for install directory, build type, and extra arguments empty. These settings will be fetched from the existing CMake configuration in your build directory.
  5. Click Ok
  6. Build

No Existing Build Configuration

If there is no existing build configuration yet, do as follows

  1. Import the project by choosing the CMakeLists.txt of your project, eg. workingDirectory/eeros/CMakeLists.txt or workingDirectory/helloWorld/CMakeLists.txt.
  2. This will automatically open the project configuration panel.
  3. Choose a meaningful build directory, e.g. workingDirectory/build-x86/eeros or workingDirectory/build-x86/helloWorld.
  4. Enter an entry for the install directory, e.g. workingDirectory/install-x86.
  5. Choose a build type.
  6. Click Ok
  7. Build

IMPORTANT If you are using ROS in your applications make sure that you fullfill the necessary steps described in ROS: Preparations and Building.

getting_started/kdevelop.1616657346.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/25 08:29 by ursgraf