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Interfacing with ROS

ROS is a flexible framework for writing robot software. It is great collection of tools, libraries, and conventions. You can make use of ROS within EEROS in the following two ways.

Special blocks in EEROS take care of sending signals to and receiving signals from ROS. These signals must be packed into ROS messages. Each topic transmits messages of a certain type. Depending on the message type you have to use certain blocks in your control system, see Blocks for Interfacing with ROS When using

Preparations and Building

ROS needs to be installed on the developer machine as well as on the target machine. Before a ROS application can be started, you need to run the setup.bash script of ROS. The same applies for building the EEROS library with ROS support and for building an EEROS application with ROS support.
IMPORTANT If an integrated development environment such as kdevelop or Qt Creator is used, the IDE has to be started from a terminal after the setup.bash script has run.

The CMAKE file for the EEROS application using ROS has to be expanded as follows:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
## ROS
message(STATUS "looking for package 'ROS'")
find_package( roslib REQUIRED )
if (roslib_FOUND)
	message( STATUS "-> ROS found")
	include_directories( "${roslib_INCLUDE_DIRS}" )
	message( STATUS "roslib_INCLUDE_DIRS: " ${roslib_INCLUDE_DIRS} )
	find_package( rosconsole REQUIRED)
	find_package( roscpp REQUIRED )
	message( STATUS "-> ROS NOT found")

find_package(EEROS REQUIRED)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
add_executable(testProject main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(testProject eeros ucl ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} ${ROS_LIBRARIES})

Make your EEROS Application a ROS Node

Initialize the ROS node in your main function and give it a name.

  #include <ros/ros.h>
  int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	log.trace() << "ROS node initialized.";

All ROS tools such as rqt will list your EEROS application under this name.

If you want to register a signal handler, e.g. for shutting down a system (see Shutting down a System Properly), you have to register it after the ROS node is initialized. The ROS node will properly shut down as soon as the last node handler is destroyed when going out of scope.

Running your Application

An EEROS application using ROS needs to be started with super user privileges. Further, ROS needs some system variables, like ROS_MASTER_URI, which are defined by the setup.bash script of ROS. To forward these variables to the super user process, the option -E has to be used.

$ sudo -E ./application
getting_started/ros.1510136576.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/08 11:22 by graf