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Say Hello with EEROS
In order to be able to write your own EEROS programs or alter existing example applications, you could use any text editor and use the
script on the command line. However, we recommend to use an integrated development environment.
We suggest to use Get the program with
$ apt-get install kdevelop
Create a New Project
- Start KDevelop
- Create a new C++ project:
- Project → New from Template…
- Create the project by clicking Finish
- Create the build configuration. It is recommended to put the target architecture in the name of the build folder. Put the location where EEROS is installed in the “Installation Prefix” field. Important: make sure that this is the location where you have installed EEROS (see Compile). If EEROS is installed globally leave this field blank (not recommended).
If your development architecture is different from your target architecture, you have to choose an toolchain file as described in Host and Target. You can enter this file in the field “Extra Arguments” with DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=path/to/toolchain-file.cmake.
Test Program
- Copy the following code into “main.cpp”
#include <iostream> #include <eeros/logger/Logger.hpp> #include <eeros/logger/StreamLogWriter.hpp> int main() { using namespace eeros::logger; StreamLogWriter w(std::cout); Logger log; log.set(w); << "Hello, EEROS"; return 0; }
- Open CMakeLists.txt file, delete the text written in it and copy/paste the following into it:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5.1) project(helloworld) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) find_package(EEROS REQUIRED) include_directories(${EEROS_INCLUDE_DIR}) link_directories(${EEROS_LIB_DIR}) add_executable(helloworld main.cpp) target_link_libraries(helloworld eeros ucl ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS})
(Note 1: “helloworld” is the name of the dummy-project created for the example. Put your project name where “test-project” is. Note 2: This file is in the project folder, e.g. /home/you/work/helloworld)
- Build the project by clicking on the “Build” button up, on the left.
Run the Hello World Program
If you run your test program on the host machine continue below. If you want to do a crossdevelopment, you have to deploy your libraries and test program first. Go to Deploying first before you continue below.
- Open a terminal
- Navigate to the build folder of your project (e.g. cd /home/you/work/build-x86-64)
- Run the program with the command: ./test-project