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Control System with Remote Connection

In the EEROS library you will find a directory with examples. Open a shell in the build directory of your EEROS library and run examples/socket/eerosServer/socketServerExample. Open a second terminal and run examples/socket/standaloneClient/standaloneClient. As soon as the connection is established the socket data block periodically sends its input signal of type Vector4. The transmission speed is given by the period of the time domain the socket data block is assigned to. The stand alone client print these values ten times per second.
At the same time the standalone block periodically transmit six double values, whose values increase over time. The socket data block receives these values and bundles them into its output signal of type Matrix<6,1,double>

Control system with socket data block and external standalone client
getting_started/tutorials/controlsystem5.1502263062.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/09 09:17 by graf