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The gain block allows to amplify an input signal. In general, the input signal is of type matrix and hence, the gain will have to be a matrix as well. The following lines show various examples.

  Gain<Vector2, Matrix<2,2>> g1({1,2.5,-1,-0.5});

The first template parameter denotes the input signal. The gain here is a 2×2-matrix.

If a Gain block is declared with a single value each element of the input vector is multiplied with this value.

  Gain<Vector2> g2(10);
  Gain<Vector2, double> g3(10);   // this is the same

Another useful operation is a by multipliying an input matrix with a given gain matrix element by element. This is achieved by

  Gain<Vector2, Vector2, true> g4({10,20});

The third template parameter specifies an element-by-element multiplication. Please beware of the fact that in this case input signal and gain matrix must be of the same dimensions.

eeros_architecture/control_system/available_blocks/int.1491478902.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/06 13:41 by graf