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eeros_architecture:control_system:available_blocks:kewboardinput [2021/03/03 08:31] – created ursgrafeeros_architecture:control_system:available_blocks:kewboardinput [2021/04/22 10:48] (current) ursgraf
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 ====== Keyboard Input ====== ====== Keyboard Input ======
 +A keyboard input block allows to read a registered set of keys from the keyboard. This set of registered keys are available on the output of this block. To give an example
 +<code cpp>
 +KeyboardInput<3> keyboard{{'a','b','c'}, {"start", "stop", "home"}};
 +The three keys 'a', 'b', 'c' are registered and will be available on the output. The output itself is an array with three fields each of type ''bool''. As soon as you press 'a', the corresponding signal will be set to ''true''. You have to manually reset the signal to ''false'' with 
 +<code cpp>
 +For each registered key, the keyboard input block automatically creates a instance of ''hal::KeyboardDigIn''. This is a digital input of the HAL and can be used as such. For instance, it could be used as a critical input to the safety system, see [[|KeyboardTest.cpp]]. When used as a HAL input, it is not necessary to reset manually. It will be reset automatically when read by the HAL. 
eeros_architecture/control_system/available_blocks/kewboardinput.1614756704.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/03 08:31 by ursgraf