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Socket Data

A socket data block allows for sending or receiving signal values to or from a remote station over a socket connection. This can be used to gather signals from a sensor or send signals to an remote control unit. Upon instantiation the block will create a socket server which runs in its own thread. Any socket client can now connect to this server. After a connection is established the two can send or receive any type of signal.
A socket data block can have zero or one input. The first template parameter indicates the type of the input signal while the second parameter denotes the type of the output signal, e.g.:

SocketData<Vector3, int> socket1;

This blocks will have a signal input (a signal from another control system block) of type Vector3 and send this signal over the socket connection. Concurrently the block will receive single values of type int and write these values onto its output signal, where it can be consumed by other blocks. If the socket data blocks has only data to transmit but no data to receive use std::nullptr_ptr as template parameter.

SocketData<Matrix<6,1,double>, std::nullptr_t> socket2;	// send Matrix<6,1,double>, receive nothing
SocketData<Vector2, std::nullptr_t> socket3;	        // send nothing, receive Vector2
eeros_architecture/control_system/available_blocks/socket.1502256557.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/09 07:29 (external edit)