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A switch block allows to select one of several input signals to write to its output. The code below shows a switch with 3 inputs where the second input is selected.

  Switch<3> sw;

You can also query the index of the selected input with

  int index = sw.getCurrentInput();

Auto Switching

It is possible to configure a switch in such a way, that if the selected input reaches a given level within a small margin the switch does switch automatically. For this purpose you have to specify a condition with

  setCondition(T switchLevel, T delta, uint8_t index)

where switchlevel is the level the switch has to reach within the margin delta. index is the new index of the input.

                      virtual void arm() {
                              armed = true;
			switched = false;
                      virtual bool triggered() const {
eeros_architecture/control_system/available_blocks/switch.1491478410.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/06 13:33 by graf