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A switch block allows to select one of several input signals to write to its output. The code below shows a switch with 3 inputs where the second input is selected.

  Switch<3> sw;

You can also query the index of the selected input with

  int index = sw.getCurrentInput();

Auto Switching

It is possible to configure a switch in such a way, that if the selected input reaches a given level within a small margin the switch does switch automatically. For this purpose you have to specify a condition with

  setCondition(T switchLevel, T delta, uint8_t index)

where switchlevel is the level the switch has to reach within the margin delta. index is the new index of the input. Before the switching can take place the switch must be armed with


The function


queries the state of the switch function. It will return true as soon as the auto switching happened.
The switching might lead to a change in the safety level. In order to be able to trigger a safety event you have to register such an event beforehand.

  registerSafetyEvent(SafetySystem* ss, SafetyEvent* e);
eeros_architecture/control_system/available_blocks/switch.1491478777.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/06 13:39 (external edit)