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A transition block allows to connect two different time domains. It is basically a container holding two blocks. Each of the two time domains runs one of those two blocks.
If a signal crosses from a slower time domain into a fast one, the transition block behaves as an interpolator. A change in the input signal is interpolated with small incremental steps (in amplitude as well as timestamps) on the output signal.
Such a block can be created by choosing a ratio greater then 1. The ratio must much the ratio of the periods of the two time domains. The figure above shows the resulting curve for a ratio of 10.
Transition<Vector2> tInterpolator(10); TimeDomain tdSlow("td slow", 0.1, false) Timedomain tdFast("td fast", 0.01, true); tdSlow.add(tInterpolator.inBlock); tdFast.add(tInterpolator.outBlock);
A signal crossing from a fast time domain to a slower one, needs to behave like a filter. For this purpose the out block, which does the filtering, features an additional input signal. This input signal allows the filter to select a certain signal as next output signal.