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Deploy to Microzed Board


Fetch the EEROS scripts in your project root directory on your host and checkout the branch for the cb20 board

$ git clone
$ cd eeros-build-scripts
$ git checkout sdk_cb20

The file contains entries for the destination of deploying.

target_IP_address=      // use appropriate ip number or name


Next, edit deploy.txt on the host in your project directory and enter the application program you want to transfer together with the necessary hardware configuration file, e.g.


If you wrote your own Say Hello with EEROS the file would look like


Finally, load them onto the target with

$ ./

Running your Application

ssh into the board with

$ ssh ost@

Credentials are ost/ost.

Change into your target application folder and run the example

$ cd bin
$ ./helloworld
$ sudo ./simpleMotorControl -c HwConfigBBBlue.json

Running your Application which is a ROS Node

Be sure to setup your network settings according to Network Setup. Set the environment variable ROS_MASTER_URI in your shell with


Add the following line to your /etc/hosts file (under Ubuntu)  cb20

Run your application with

$ sudo -E ./application

Running the Built-in Examples of EEROS

Running the built-in examples of EEROS as given in the tutorial pages in Tutorials is quite simple, e.g.

$ sudo /usr/examples/rtTest/rtTest

The flink utilities can be used for testing the experimental setup as given in Experimental Setup with a cb20 Board.


Make sure to fetch the CANopen library, see The library has to be compiled and linked statically to your application. There is no need to transfer is to the target separately.

getting_started/deploy/deploy_microzed.1718704671.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/18 11:57 by ursgraf