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Your First EEROS Project

First of all, make sure that you have set up your environment as described in Install and Setup Development Environment. The following example shows a typical EEROS application.

int main() {
  std::cout << "SCARA Robot Control started" << std::endl;
  // Define logger
  StreamLogWriter w(std::cout);;
  // Get HAL istance 
  HAL& hal = HAL::instance();
  // Get Control System instance
  MyControlSystem controlSystem;
  // Get Safety System instance
  double dt = 0.001;
  MySafetyProperties safetyProperties(&controlSystem);
  SafetySystem safetySystem (safetyProperties, dt);
  Sequencer sequencer;
  MySequencer  mainSequence(&sequencer, &controlSystem, &safetySystem);
  while(sequencer.getState() != state::terminated) {
  std::cout << "SCARA Robot Control stopped" << std::endl;
  return 0;

To start, create an instance of the Control System and Safety System. The safety system is closely connected to the Hardware which is accessed through the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL). Next, inputs and outputs for the HAL have to be defined and assigned to the HAL.

Then you have to define the Safety Properties and start the safety system. The safety system will power-up the system and do all the necessary initialization, such as enabling actors and homing them.

Finally, a sequence has to be defined and assigned to a Sequencer. The program will run as long as the sequencer does not terminate.

getting_started/tutorials/firstproject.1438858482.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/06 12:54 by visentin