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getting_started:tutorials:systemros1 [2024/10/09 11:53] – [Subscribing] ursgrafgetting_started:tutorials:systemros1 [2024/12/06 18:53] (current) ursgraf
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 IMPORTANT You have to run a program using real time threads with root privileges.  IMPORTANT You have to run a program using real time threads with root privileges. 
 ==== Publishing ==== ==== Publishing ====
-This example runs your EEROS application as a ROS node under the name ///eerosNode//. It publishes three topics +This example runs your EEROS application as a ROS node under the name ///eerosNode//. It publishes six topics 
-  * /test/vector          (of type Matrix<7,1,double>+  * /test/analogSignal          (of type eeros_msgs/msg/AnalogSignal with a single double value
-  * /test/val             (of type double) +  * /test/analogSignalVector    (of type eeros_msgs/msg/AnalogSignal with a vector of 7 entries of type double
-  * /test/safetyLevel     (of type unit32_t)+  * /test/digitalSignal          (of type eeros_msgs/msg/DigitalSignal with a single bool value) 
 +  * /test/digitalSignalVector    (of type eeros_msgs/msg/DigitalSignal with a vector of 7 entries of type bool
 +  * /test/safetyLevel     (currently active safety level of type std_msgs/msg/String) 
 +  * /test/odom     (odometry data of type nav_msgs/msg/Odometry)
 With  With 
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 $ rostopic list $ rostopic list
 </code> </code>
-will list the three topics which are published be our node, ///test/val//, ///test/vector//, and ///test/safetyLevel//.+will list all the topics which are published be our node.
 Open another shell to show the messages sent by EEROS, e.g. Open another shell to show the messages sent by EEROS, e.g.
 <code> <code>
-$ rostopic echo /test/vector+$ rostopic echo /test/analogSignalVector
 </code> </code>
 With  With 
 <code> <code>
-$ rostopic hz /test/val+$ rostopic hz /test/analogSignalVector
 </code> </code>
 you can easily check how often data is sent from out ROS node. Try to plot the data with you can easily check how often data is sent from out ROS node. Try to plot the data with
 <code> <code>
-$ rqt_plot /test/val /test1/vector/data[0] /test/vector/data[1] /test/safetyLevel+$ rqt_plot /test/analogSignal /test/analogSignalVector/val[0] /test/analogSignalVector/val[1] /test/safetyLevel
 </code> </code>
getting_started/tutorials/systemros1.1728467582.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/09 11:53 by ursgraf