Experimental Setup with a PC with National Instruments Card
We use a regular PC (x86-64) together with a National Instrument card: PCIe - 6251 (M-Series). The card requires the comedi library together with the EEROS hardware wrapper, see comedi. In any case you have to install comedi
separately. A maxon motor controller (50V / 5A) delivers the necessary power.
Connect all the necessary signals according to your hardware configuration file, notably
- analog output and enable signal to the motor controller
- encoder outputs (A/B signals) to the decoder inputs
- motor controller ready signal to a digital input
- emergency button to a digital input
Make sure that a positive voltage on the motor leads to the encoder counting upwards. If the opposite is the case, either change the cables or change the hardware configuration file.
getting_started/tutorials/oneaxis_comedi.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/16 09:05 by graf