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Available Blocks

The EEROS library includes many basic blocks. See for further information. Important details about blocks are given below.

Name Inputs Outputs clock-dependent?
Mean (Arithmetic Filter) 1 1 RED
Constant 0 1 RED
D (Differentiator) 1 1 GREEN
Delay 1 1 GREEN
Demultiplexer 1 N RED
Gain 1 1 RED
Integrator 1 1 GREEN
Kalman Filter 0 2 RED
Keyboard Input 0 2 RED
Mouse Input 0 2 RED
Multiplexer N 1 RED
Multiplier 2 1 RED
Path Planner Cubic 0 4 RED
Path Planner Constant Acceleration 0 3 RED
Path Planner Constant Jerk 0 4 RED
Peripheral Input 0 1 RED
Peripheral Output 1 0 RED
Saturation 1 1 RED
Space Navigator Input 0 2 RED
Step 0 1 RED
Signal Checker 1 0 RED
Socket Data 0/1 0/1 RED
Sum N 1 RED
Switch N 1 RED
Trace 1 0 RED
Transition 1(1) 1 GREEN
XBox Input 0 2 RED
ZTransferFunction 1 1 RED

Blocks for Interfacing with ROS

ROS is a flexible framework for writing robot software. It is great collection of tools, libraries, and conventions. Special blocks in EEROS take care of sending signals to and receiving signals from ROS.

Blocks for Interfacing with CAN

Special blocks in EEROS take care of sending signals to and receiving signals from the CAN bus.

Name Inputs Outputs clock-dependent?
canHandle 0 0 RED
canSendFaulhaber 1 0 RED
canReceiveFaulhaber 0 2 RED
eeros_architecture/control_system/available_blocks.1619115630.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/22 20:20 by ursgraf